4 Beardsley St Port Kennedy, WA 6172
08) 9524 6888
Free stickers and signs, Safety signs, Covid-19 signs

As a local small business, we at Vizual Impact realise the importance of community and local organisations. We have always made it one of our goals to always support our community whenever possible. This business practice is one that we have always believed to be extremely important to all of us, especially important during the COVID-19 crisis.

We are all in this...TOGETHER. We have more reasons to stand together than ever before and fight against the Coronavirus effects on the economy and protect our community.

We are offering: Free downloads of various stickers and posters for anyone who might find the need to keep your business going during these challenging times.

 Face Masks - ZIP

 One Way Traffic - ZIP

 Sanitation Station - ZIP

Visitors Please Sign In - ZIP