4 Beardsley St Port Kennedy, WA 6172
08) 9524 6888

In these challenging times, you almost need to be Yoda to see what is coming next.

We feel for all our customers through these challenging times but particularly those that are in the unfortunate position of being open one week and closed the next. Then of course there is also the “Deep space” in between where some business can partially open.

This of course leads to some mind-bending decisions:

  • “Should I open”.
  • “Is it worth it” or
  • “Should I close voluntarily” which for a business owner is surely the hardest decision of all.

So, while we can’t grant you the powers of a Jedi master to navigate these uncertain times, we certainly can say that we are still here and ready to support your business with COVID signage, sneeze guards or whatever you may need.

Right from the outset we decided that we would not profit from COVID signage or sneeze guards, so all our range is priced about as low as it is possible, without us losing money.

And If the force is compelling you to upgrade your building or vehicle signage, we will look after you like Chewbacca looks after Han Solo.

If you have a specific project in your mind, simply contact our own Princess Lia and she will guide you through the process. The force is strong with her.